Tuesday, December 29, 2009
When I walked through my kitchen, I noticed there were pieces of play dough covering both my counter and my table. I asked Colton what he was doing and he explained that they were having a war; a "Silver War." It was the Silver side against the Gold side and whoever won, GOT THE SILVER!! How could I not laugh. Think I'll have to correct him about the "Silver War" BEFORE he learns it at school. I can only imagine him raising his hand saying "I know about the Silver War!"
Christmas at Our House!

We survived yet another Christmas and surprisingly the room didn't get too torn up. I spent Christmas Eve wrapping the rest of the presents to put out. I didn't wrap earlier because I had NO WHERE to put anything. And I couldn't put presents under the tree for fear of Nicholas figuring out how to unwrap them. Scott was at work but was able to take a 2 hour break so he came home and helped me finish wrapping.
Colton woke at stinkin' 5:30 in the morning!! I told him to go back to bed. He closed my door and went back to bed; but I kept hearing his footsteps up and down the hallway. I finally got up and THREATENED him to stay in bed or he wouldn't open a single present until after LUNCH!! Well, in the process I woke up Nicholas. It was all over, both boys were awake. So, I put them both on my bed and popped in a movie until a more reasonable hour. Scott got home at 7:30 and the present mayhem began.
Nicholas got a little riding pony and wasn't too sure what to do with it. We put him on it andafter a second or two, he got the hang of it and REALLY started rocking away! He also got a music jam stand and loved that right away. He was playing music and dancing. Colton got a Dance Jam Game, new Wii games and the movie Night at the Museum. I think what he was most excited about though was his Snow Boots. Josh got
a DVD player to go with his flat screen TV which has been sitting in his room for a year. Mom and Dad refuse to pay to have cable put in his room; so at least now he can USE the thing to watch movies.
Santa came through and brought me a camera; however, it wasn't the one I wanted. I tried it out though but just didn't like the way it worked, so it got returned sadly. I did manage to get a few pictures from it though!
We spent a quiet morning enjoying the new gifts and let dad sleep a while. Then that afternoon it was off to Malad Idaho to spend the rest of the day with Scott's family. There, more gifts ensued and another present mayhem. Worse than our house too!!
Nicholas got the cutest little motorized baby dinosaurs that growl and walk. I almost killed my sister in law when Colton opened up his gift. A remote controlled Tarantula!! It's about the size of a small dinner plate. It has long fury legs and red eyes. If I wake up to that thing in my room EVER.....I told Colton I would most likely stomp on it!! Josh was speechless about his laptop from Grandma & Grandpa. He pretty much became unsociable the remainder of our time there because he was on it from the moment he turned it on. Mom finally had to say "Turn it OFF!
We spent the night up there, or rather STAYED the night. Poor Nicholas was in a different environment and NOT his bed so it took him 2 hours to finally fall asleep. He slept with mom in a twin bed and was ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! Needless to say, mom had feet in the face, knee in the back and an occasional head on my stomach while trying to sleep that night. Seriously, how do families share a bed together in other countries??
I look forward to this day every year and yet have mixed emotions about watching it end. Still, at the end of the day, I consider myself blessed to have a wonderful family, to see the smiles and excitement on my childrens faces and remember that the greatest gift I could ever receive I have already been given. The gospel of Jesus Christ, a loving Savior who gave his life for me so that I may return to be with him and my Father in Heaven and the knowledge that my family will be forever. Please keep Christ in your hearts not only at Christmas, but throughout the year. Oh what a difference it makes to have him as a daily part of our lives, it makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Boys!!
Grandma worked in the office of an elementary school. A kid found it and turned it in to her. No one claimed it and it sat in her desk for a year. When she retired, she packed it with her stuff and asked if I wanted it. i told her it would be the PERFECT gift for Josh!
He was so excited, especially when I told him that music had already been programmed on it. Put on some of his favorites, some popular songs, Church, Christmas and some fun songs. I even put on the Thanksgiving song by Adam Sandler and found out he had NEVER heard it before. Then I showed him a surprise file. It was a comedy file. He LOVES Bill Cosby so I put some of his clips on there. Like Chocolate Cake, Noah and Puberty. He listens to Bill Cosby and just sits and laughs and laughs. It's kind of funny!!
He also got a new set of scriptures, a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle and a new set of bed sheets that we will use as inspiration to paint his room next spring. I think the biggest shock for his Birthday was finding out that he is AUTOMATICALLY registered with the Selective Service System. He's praying we don't have a draft anytime soon!!
On Dec. 10th, Colton turned 7. MY BABY IS GETTING SO BIG SO FAST!! I always thought other mothers were ridiculous when they would whine that their child was getting older or how fast time had gone by. Now I know what they meant! He had his traditional family birthday breakfast; french toast with ice cream; then it was off to school. Grandma & Grandpa Parker stopped by after school on their way to Salt Lake airport. We went to dinner at Colton's FAVORITE place.....The Chinese Buffet. That kid can really pack it there! He received a CD from Grandma Champlin, a gift card from Grandma and Grandpa Parker and a guitar from Grandma & Grandpa Caulford. Mom & Dad gave him a Nerf Tag game. He loved it! We got back from the restaurant only to find that Josh had not locked the back door, so the dogs came in and made themselves at home. Kobe, the larger one of the dogs; helped himself to the cupcakes that were sitting on the stove. They WERE for Colton's Birthday Party the next day. So, I stayed up late making MORE cupcakes. (Stupid dog!!!!)
He had 4 friends show up and he had a blast. Small parties are better than large ones with kids and noise everywhere I've decided!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
It was a hard and nice weekend all at the same time. A LOT of emotions that I never thought a person could feel all at once! I told my boys to not plan on seeing much of Grandma or spending a lot of time with her this trip, she would be TOO preoccupied with wedding stuff. But, we finally got to meet Don, Colton started calling him Grandpa right away and Nicholas had no objections to him and even sat on his lap for a while. He seemed really nice. The family went to lunch with him and mom on Friday, sort of our last "Family thing" together. Didn't get to visit much because I was busy dealing with on ornery baby who kept throwing his food on the floor and just wanted to get down and run.
Saturday, the house SERIOUSLY felt like the house on "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." Trying to get me ready, clothes for the boys, (I was NOT going to let them go to the luncheon in their nice clothes!!) my niece asking me to help with her hair, Lori's roommate trying to help me decide on how to do my makeup and my cousin there with me in the middle of it all!! I walked in on my older brother in just his boxers, my Aunt came in and we were all dressing with the door open and my baby emptying my suitcase and throwing stuff everywhere! Mom telling everyone "don't forget to bring..." whatever it was that she didn't want us to forget, my nephew forgot a tie so he was trying on a bunch of different ones of Keiths'. There were two bathrooms wich was NO WHERE near enough! We FINALLY made it out and got to the church for the family luncheon. THAT WAS REALLY NICE!! It was Mom, Don, Keith, Lori, Me & my boys, my Aunt Paula and her 2 kids Melissa and Mark plus his wife. My older brother Richard, his wife Rita and their 2 kids Austin & Katelyn, and My Aunt Carol; my dad's sister in law. WHAT A CREW!!
Then it was time to get ready for the ceremony. People started arriving and Nicholas started getting cranky; he h

Then it was on to the reception, the desserts came out and Colton was in Heaven. Thank goodnes I had family to help with him. He actually got 3 different people to get him a plate full of goodies. Me, I was busy chasing Nicholas all around the room and visiting with good friends whom I haven't seen in A

Mom and dad had a bench on the front porch FOREVER!! It was old and the paint was coming off and it looked very weathered. Well, one day she came home and it was gone. SHE HAD A FIT!! Lori had actually taken it to a friends house and restored it and repainted it. We had it delivered to the church and it was in the entryway. When mom saw it, she started to break down and cry. Don of coarse had NO clue about what it was, so I had to fill him in. She took it with her back to Michigan to put on their back deck.
The saddest part of the whole ordeal....I DIDN'T GET TO TAKE MANY PICTURES!!! I was TOO busy socializing and dealing with my children that I just never got the chance. So, I'll have to wait for copies from mom. Here are a few that I DID get!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Nicholas' 1st Birthday

Monday, August 10, 2009
Summer Vacation

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009
My Boys

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Fathers Day

It's Fathers Day and Scott had the weekend off!! He has been working so many hours the past couple of weeks it's no wonder he's been a little stressed. So with his weekend off, he told work not to call him. Colton had a Primary activity Saturday afternoon and it was a Fathers Day activity. They had all these compititions and races that you could do with your dad. He had so much fun and was so proud. They won the sponge competition. You soaked up the water from a bucket, ran to the other bucket and squeezed out the water. Whoever got all the water out first won, that was my boys! Colton had the wonderful idea that dad needed breakfast in bed. So we made none other than "Colton's favorite breakfast." We took it in to dad an sang to him and somewhere along the line, Colton got the idea that we ALL needed to eat with dad so we should all pile onto the bed....WITH OUR FOOD!! Nicholas crawled back and forth between everyone grabbing what food he could. Needless to say, my sheets and comforter now need to be washed! We then made a wondrful big dinner for dad and strawberry shortcake for dessert. I had him bathe the two little boys and his response was, "but it's Fathers Day, I'm suppose to have the day off." I explained that he did have it off...from work. But my gift to him was for him to have some intimate quality time with the boys...bathing them. Once Nicholas hears the water, he heads straight for the bathtub and stands up waiting to be put in. Scott undressed him and when it came time to take off the diaper, he undid the tabs and lifted the baby up, hoping the diaper would fall to the floor. Well, it didn't quite go that way. The diaper stuck to Nicholas because he had filled it! so when Nicholas went up, so did the diaper. Gravity set in once hanging over the tub and the dirty diaper fell into the water. At this point, Nicholas was so excited to get into the tub, he was kicking and squirming and laughing, trying to get down into the water. In the process, he bumped up against Scott a few times and left "marks" on Scotts shirt. I was hanging outside the door listening because I KNEW that the baby had a dirty diaper and wanted to see how Scott would react. (Aren't I a stinker??) Well, it was then that I heard a loud AMY, HELP QUICK, THERE'S A DIRTY DIAPER INT HE TUB AND NOW I HAVE POOP ALL OVER ME!! I walked in with the wipes, calmly fished the diaper out of the tub before it's contents washed out into the water and cleaned the baby while Scott held him in mid air arms straight out while practically gagging over the smell. Oh the joys of Fatherhood. Wonder if Bill Cosby had anything similar happen to him for Fathers Day? Didn't get any pictures of the day, but do have this fancy one of him in his Honor Guard uniform. Happy Fathers Day dear!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Our Weekend in Rexburg

Friday, June 12, 2009
The Glad Grad

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Our Lady Jade

She was never big on barking. Strange dogs could walk by and the neighborhood dogs would go crazy. She would just look to see what was going on then walk away. Most kids that came over were very intimidated by her because of her size. But you couldn't ask for a better dog to introduce kids to. She would sniff them, sit and wait for them to pet her and once they started to get comfortable, she would give them a kiss.
Jade was a DEFFINATE member of the family. She staked a claim on our bed, as you can see; but once there were babies around, she stuck pretty close to them. She often slept outside the door or next to the crib. When Colton or Nicholas cried, she would try to comfort them by licking them or cuddling up to them. Sometimes, she would even come and get me, knowing I could take care or them. She was a wonderful dog.
During my last pregnancy, Jade sort of develope this "thing" for Scott. She would often climb onto the bed, or have someone help her, and wedge between my and my husband, initially pushing me off. She began loving on him, laying in his lap and licking him. I think I got a little jealous!!
In the end, we could see her age was really starting to affect her, she had lost her spunk, but still managed to smile occasionally the way only she could do. She developed heart failure, which is common for large dogs. We made sure she knew that we loved her and Scott and I both told her it was o kay for her to go. She slipped away quietly in private, the way she wanted. We love you Jade. Thank you for being part of our family and sharing so much of yourself with us. I hope you have a big place to run up there and maybe Heavenly Father will set aside a small place with snow for you! Till we meet again!!

Lady Jade, died Apr. 21st, 2009
Our best Dog & friend
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
"I'm a gettin' I'm a gettin'!"