Saturday, June 27, 2009


Sooo, I'm making home made baby food yesterday afternoon and decided to use my last 3 hamburger patties to purree with some mashed potatoes for my baby. I let the patties sit out and thaw a little, but I'm in a hurry. So decided to use a knife and pry them apart to cook them. Now, why didn't I grab a butter knife? Well, because I was already using my small very sharp pairing knife to skin peaches, so I just rinsed it off to insert in between the patties and start cutting around to pry them apart. Well, they came a part a little faster than I expected and the knife slid down and sliced open my thumb. Scott was up at the store so I called him telling him to come home IMMEDIATLY!! I was pretty sure I was going to need a couple of stitches because when it sliced, I swear I felt the BONE!! Scott took one look and was on the phone with our DR. office to see if they could get me in to avoid going to the ER. They took me right in! The good news was that I didn't slice down to the bone, but did go through some very thick tissue and right down to the tendon, but it wasn't damaged....luckily!! My DR. scrubbed out the wound then gave me the numbing shot right into the cut!! YEAH, THAT HURT LIKE HELL!!! All I kept saying was "Not as bad as an epiderral, not as bad as an epiderral." Doc sowed me up, took 5 stitches then wrapped up my finger. When I got home, Nicholas was fascinated with my finger and started chewing on it. I didn't mind because hey, I couldn't feel anything. Then the numbing started wearing off. OH MY GOSH, NOW I COULD FEEL THE PAIN!! So now I feel like a retard trying to do normal things without the use of my thumb. Ever try unbuttoning your pants without a thumb, or pulling your hair up? Putting on a bra and fastening it has not been the easiest thing either! How about trying to play THE ORGAN?? Yeah, I'm suppose to play the organ for church on Sunday too. It's not gonna sound too pretty! I'm feeling so stupid right now!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey we have all done things like this before don't beat yourself up. I was cutting a piece of plactic one time with a knife and cut between my fingers like the webby part. Thats the technical name for that part of your hand. Ha Ha Hey at least you will be all thumbs up for the 4th. Feel Better.
