Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our Weekend in Rexburg

Got to spend a wonderful weekend in Rexburg with grandparents Lee & Irene Parker. Both boys had finished school so it became a weekend getaway celebration. However, it rained most of the time so all the activities we had planned to do outside were out the window. Nicholas enjoyed discovering new toys at Grandmas and learned to climb the BIG stairs. Mommy is sooo grateful we don't have any stairs at home. Nicholas also discovered how to open cupboard doors, the warming drawer under the stove and magnets on the fridge are fun to chew on. It was also his first time sleeping in a different bed, didn't to too bad. It was a good trial for our trip to California coming up in July.

We got a break in the weather briefly so headed to the park to feed the ducks. One of the many things that is fun at any age as you can see in this picture. Yes, even the teenager likes to occasionaly join in on the fun. It's funny how you can park near the ducks and as soon as you get out of the car, they are at your feet. I have concluded that Colton must have some canine instincts in him somehow. Every time he is around ducks, all he wants to do is run and chase them. I would love to see the ducks all turn and chase him for a change. Now THAT would be a picture worth taking!

As we were feeding the ducks, we heard a comotion on the water. When I looked up, there was this flock of baby ducks literally RUNNING ontop of the water to get to us. They got to the edge and came running up the embankment to get some bread. One female Mallard and 25 baby ducklings. I should have brought that mother duck some Prozac!! We determined that had to be the day care group. What mother in her right mind; human, beast or foul; would raise 25 babies???? I wonder if ducks ever commit suicide? Maybe they just stick their head in the water and don't ever come up. My luck, those babies would be climbing on my back wanting a "duckie back ride."

The Snake River runs through Grandma & Grandpas backyard. The boys wanted to go play in it so bad, but it was high and flooding over in some areas. We will have to come again and float down the river. You can also see the new Rexburg Temple from their backyard. What a neat experience to see it on the top of the hill all lit up every night before you go to bed. It was a wonderful opportunity to show my boys how Temples are beginning to cover the earth. Just in driving around the grounds, you could feel the peace and serenity it offers to all who come. Colton reminded us that the reason why was because it was Heavenly Fathers house and you always get a good feeling around him. Though Grandma and Grandpa are'nt any particular denomination, it was neat to hear how they still appreciate and understand the importance of it to our faith.

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