Monday, December 20, 2010


I have been really bad at keeping up with this. Every time I think I need to sit and blog, something always comes up. So, I guess I'll just give a little summary on the rest of the year.

I recovered from my surgery very well. I ended up staying in a cast for 6 weeks instead of 3 because of the extensive surgery the Doc did. Three weeks on one foot and taking care of a 2 y r. old. is NOT my idea of FUN! I am on two feet now and feel better than I have in years. I no longer tremble walking down stairs, afraid of falling. My back problems have been almost non existant since my frame and posture are now better. The only thing to do now, take a serious dive into EXERCISING!! (That's another fear to tackle!)

Yes, Nicholas turned 2 in August. He loves Disney CARS so that
kind of became the theme. I am not noticing the "terrible two's"
attitude though. Just more independance on his part. The little
attitude he has picked up is ALL from his older brother. The stomping foot, folding the arms and "humphing," and yelling at mom when he's not getting his way. Maybe that all does qualify for the terrible twos. He is talking a lot more and some of my favorite words out of his mouth are: " Wub you, Happy tots (happy thoughts), momma happy, I did it, Nigh-Nigh moon, and Ho-Ho Yights (Christmas Lights), and Woody Boat (for Woody & Buzz). Christmas with a two year old is going to be very fun!

This fall was very "mild" considering all my leaves didn't
fall off my tree. So my boys didn't get
to do the traditional jumping in the huge leaf pile. We did have a small one and that was good enough for them. Mom and her silly traditions of getting pictures of the boys in the leaves. Just got my two little boys this year, biggest brother was not into it.

Before I can focus on Christmas, I first have to get through two
December birthdays. Joshua turned 19 on the 4th and Colton
turned 8 on the 10th. This year, we celebrated both boys with a family dinner, but they each got their own cake. Surprisingly, they decided on sub sandwiches, chips and little smokies for their dinner. Easy enough for mom!! Colton's aunt made him a surfing themed cake while I made and "adult" peanut butter chocolate cake for Josh. He freaked out when his name wasn't on the cake though. Silly me, thought maybe he was "grown up" now.

So now I can focus on Christmas and ending the year on a good note. Shopping is done, now have the endless task of wrapping everything. That's actually my favorite part. Pop in a fun movie and sit on my bed after kids are asleep. My sister will be flying in to spend the Holidays with us and I'm beside myself with excitement. Colton will be getting baptized on New Years Day so that will be an awesome beginning for all of us. Funny thing is, 11 years ago, Josh was baptized on New Years day too! Lots of growing and chainging with my boys. Mom and dad are the same, just older and a little more grayer. Unfortunatly, also a little heavier. But we'll probably join the millions of others in making our New Years resolution to loose weight and be more healthy. I'ld like to say we won't be like the millions of others who only stick to it for two months and then give up. My other goals for the year will be to get Colton into piano lessons, stay caught up on my laundry, FINISH my cook book and get it printed, and attempt at being better at using my sewing machine! (Just to name a few) Maybe I should also add being better at keeping up with my 2 blogs. Thanks to those that read this and share a part of my life for all it's ups and downs and humor. Have a wonderful Holiday Season and see ya next year!!