Saturday, June 27, 2009


Sooo, I'm making home made baby food yesterday afternoon and decided to use my last 3 hamburger patties to purree with some mashed potatoes for my baby. I let the patties sit out and thaw a little, but I'm in a hurry. So decided to use a knife and pry them apart to cook them. Now, why didn't I grab a butter knife? Well, because I was already using my small very sharp pairing knife to skin peaches, so I just rinsed it off to insert in between the patties and start cutting around to pry them apart. Well, they came a part a little faster than I expected and the knife slid down and sliced open my thumb. Scott was up at the store so I called him telling him to come home IMMEDIATLY!! I was pretty sure I was going to need a couple of stitches because when it sliced, I swear I felt the BONE!! Scott took one look and was on the phone with our DR. office to see if they could get me in to avoid going to the ER. They took me right in! The good news was that I didn't slice down to the bone, but did go through some very thick tissue and right down to the tendon, but it wasn't damaged....luckily!! My DR. scrubbed out the wound then gave me the numbing shot right into the cut!! YEAH, THAT HURT LIKE HELL!!! All I kept saying was "Not as bad as an epiderral, not as bad as an epiderral." Doc sowed me up, took 5 stitches then wrapped up my finger. When I got home, Nicholas was fascinated with my finger and started chewing on it. I didn't mind because hey, I couldn't feel anything. Then the numbing started wearing off. OH MY GOSH, NOW I COULD FEEL THE PAIN!! So now I feel like a retard trying to do normal things without the use of my thumb. Ever try unbuttoning your pants without a thumb, or pulling your hair up? Putting on a bra and fastening it has not been the easiest thing either! How about trying to play THE ORGAN?? Yeah, I'm suppose to play the organ for church on Sunday too. It's not gonna sound too pretty! I'm feeling so stupid right now!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Boys

I love hand me downs!! Colton wore this outfit when he was about 8 months old and I was able to hand it down to Nicholas. So, I had to take a picture of him in the same outfit that his brother wore. How fun to see the difference between the two of them. One looks so much like Scott and the other looks like me! The outfits may be the same, but the little personalities are SOOO DIFFERENT!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

It's Fathers Day and Scott had the weekend off!! He has been working so many hours the past couple of weeks it's no wonder he's been a little stressed. So with his weekend off, he told work not to call him. Colton had a Primary activity Saturday afternoon and it was a Fathers Day activity. They had all these compititions and races that you could do with your dad. He had so much fun and was so proud. They won the sponge competition. You soaked up the water from a bucket, ran to the other bucket and squeezed out the water. Whoever got all the water out first won, that was my boys! Colton had the wonderful idea that dad needed breakfast in bed. So we made none other than "Colton's favorite breakfast." We took it in to dad an sang to him and somewhere along the line, Colton got the idea that we ALL needed to eat with dad so we should all pile onto the bed....WITH OUR FOOD!! Nicholas crawled back and forth between everyone grabbing what food he could. Needless to say, my sheets and comforter now need to be washed! We then made a wondrful big dinner for dad and strawberry shortcake for dessert. I had him bathe the two little boys and his response was, "but it's Fathers Day, I'm suppose to have the day off." I explained that he did have it off...from work. But my gift to him was for him to have some intimate quality time with the boys...bathing them. Once Nicholas hears the water, he heads straight for the bathtub and stands up waiting to be put in. Scott undressed him and when it came time to take off the diaper, he undid the tabs and lifted the baby up, hoping the diaper would fall to the floor. Well, it didn't quite go that way. The diaper stuck to Nicholas because he had filled it! so when Nicholas went up, so did the diaper. Gravity set in once hanging over the tub and the dirty diaper fell into the water. At this point, Nicholas was so excited to get into the tub, he was kicking and squirming and laughing, trying to get down into the water. In the process, he bumped up against Scott a few times and left "marks" on Scotts shirt. I was hanging outside the door listening because I KNEW that the baby had a dirty diaper and wanted to see how Scott would react. (Aren't I a stinker??) Well, it was then that I heard a loud AMY, HELP QUICK, THERE'S A DIRTY DIAPER INT HE TUB AND NOW I HAVE POOP ALL OVER ME!! I walked in with the wipes, calmly fished the diaper out of the tub before it's contents washed out into the water and cleaned the baby while Scott held him in mid air arms straight out while practically gagging over the smell. Oh the joys of Fatherhood. Wonder if Bill Cosby had anything similar happen to him for Fathers Day? Didn't get any pictures of the day, but do have this fancy one of him in his Honor Guard uniform. Happy Fathers Day dear!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our Weekend in Rexburg

Got to spend a wonderful weekend in Rexburg with grandparents Lee & Irene Parker. Both boys had finished school so it became a weekend getaway celebration. However, it rained most of the time so all the activities we had planned to do outside were out the window. Nicholas enjoyed discovering new toys at Grandmas and learned to climb the BIG stairs. Mommy is sooo grateful we don't have any stairs at home. Nicholas also discovered how to open cupboard doors, the warming drawer under the stove and magnets on the fridge are fun to chew on. It was also his first time sleeping in a different bed, didn't to too bad. It was a good trial for our trip to California coming up in July.

We got a break in the weather briefly so headed to the park to feed the ducks. One of the many things that is fun at any age as you can see in this picture. Yes, even the teenager likes to occasionaly join in on the fun. It's funny how you can park near the ducks and as soon as you get out of the car, they are at your feet. I have concluded that Colton must have some canine instincts in him somehow. Every time he is around ducks, all he wants to do is run and chase them. I would love to see the ducks all turn and chase him for a change. Now THAT would be a picture worth taking!

As we were feeding the ducks, we heard a comotion on the water. When I looked up, there was this flock of baby ducks literally RUNNING ontop of the water to get to us. They got to the edge and came running up the embankment to get some bread. One female Mallard and 25 baby ducklings. I should have brought that mother duck some Prozac!! We determined that had to be the day care group. What mother in her right mind; human, beast or foul; would raise 25 babies???? I wonder if ducks ever commit suicide? Maybe they just stick their head in the water and don't ever come up. My luck, those babies would be climbing on my back wanting a "duckie back ride."

The Snake River runs through Grandma & Grandpas backyard. The boys wanted to go play in it so bad, but it was high and flooding over in some areas. We will have to come again and float down the river. You can also see the new Rexburg Temple from their backyard. What a neat experience to see it on the top of the hill all lit up every night before you go to bed. It was a wonderful opportunity to show my boys how Temples are beginning to cover the earth. Just in driving around the grounds, you could feel the peace and serenity it offers to all who come. Colton reminded us that the reason why was because it was Heavenly Fathers house and you always get a good feeling around him. Though Grandma and Grandpa are'nt any particular denomination, it was neat to hear how they still appreciate and understand the importance of it to our faith.

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Glad Grad

My little Colton graduated from Kindergarten. His entire class looked so cute in their little caps and gowns. Each student shared a talent of some sort, Colton did a crab walk, somersault and a cartwheel. He chickened out on singing a song. They sang songs for everyone and then each received a diploma. Colton did so well in Kindergarten, I hope it stays with him for First Grade.
If you notice, my son has yet to learn the meaning of etiquette. Yes it's a special occasion, but why be so serious? I mean, it's not church, so why should we sit with our legs crossed or our arms folded? Just sit back and TOTALLY relax. This is how he sat during the entire ceremony, occasionaly looking up at mom and giving me a wink and the thumbs up sign. He's such a character; his teacher thinks we do nothing but laugh all day at home with him. Little does she know.