This week came all to soon and mom entered it with much trepidation. Both boys home, Dad starting graves and needing to sleep during the day and keep Nicholas on his daily schedule. Was it going to be possible?? So, here's how it went!
MONDAY: Mom went out to breakfast with some girlfriends; A GREAT WAY TO START THE VACATION WEEK, moral support group with the girls. Then we "broke" for the mayhem. Colton played at a friends house that morning and then mom took him and both his friends to the park. It was drizzling but that didn't stop the kids. The moms sat in the car and handed out snacks to the kids through the window. We did let them get in the car to warm up and then kicked them right back out. After that we grabbed $.25 ice cream cones.

TUESDAY: This was quite the eventful day. At 8am Colton & I had to be at the DDS office to begin his sedation for his procedure. Started out with a pill, which made him a little dizzy. Then we put on the laughing gas. You know, that is one thing they named correctly!! It's the ONLY fun thing about going to the DDS. He had 2 crowns done and a spacer put in. Poor Dr. Steve spent probably 20 min. trying to get that spacer in. It was a small rubber band spacer and he broke several of them. At last, he got it in! (Only for it to com

e out the next day!!) Poor Colton was so loopy, he screamed when I leaned over to kiss him because he said I had 4 eyes! Even while he was under, he kept babbling about video games and monsters. The poor boy was groggy most of the day so we declared it a pajama and movie day. Nothing but soft foods and relaxation!!
WEDNESDAY: Colton was back to normal so we went bowling with friends. 15 kids in all and they all had a blast!! Colton bowled an 87 on his first game. His lane had the bumpers up so it helped...A LOT!! The second game mom thought she would be sneaky and help out a little. Thanks to the bumpers, I got him a spare! Looks like I need more bowling practice with the Wii!!
THURSDAY: We got up early and headed out the door. Picked up our friends and d

rove to Salt Lake to go on a FREE candy factory tour. It was the SWEET'S Candy Company that has been in Utah since 1892! There were a total of 24 kids and 5 adults. Everyone had to wear those hospital blue hair caps. Nicholas wasn't to sure about it and kept taking it off. The tour guide said that if he didn't keep on the cap, I would have to take him out and MISS the tour. Mom had a quick little talk with him and got him busy looking at other things and he was great! The tour was SOOO much fun! We watched how they made gummy and cinnamon bears, watched how they colored and flavored jelly beans, dipped candy in chocolate, roll taffy and package it all up. The kids would tell you the best part was all the samples! After the tour, the kids were let loose, LITERALLY, in the candy shop with their money! We weren't allowed to take picture inside the factory so here's a picture of us before we walked into the doors!
FRIDAY: The day mom had been waiting for! I was taking my boys to Park City t

o see our dog we sold, Kita. She is now a lead dog for a dog sled team and the owner was taking the boys for a ride! Got the directions to get there but realized I must have read them wrong when I crossed the border in Wyoming!!! Colton was a little alarmed that mom took him "out" of Utah. Josh just chuckled until he saw mom was a little stressed. There was NO WHERE to turn around until about 5 miles into Wyoming!! Had to make up some time so we booked it the right way to Park City!! Found the team and it was soo fun seeing our Kita dog with her new family! We could tell she remembered us! The boys couldn't wait to get started! The owner of the team, Fernando hooked up the dogs and got Colton situated on the sled. A second sled was attached to the back of the original sled and he let Josh stand on that one and learn how to drive it. Gave him a quick lesson because the dogs were anxious to get running. In fact, they took off
before Fernando was all the way on the sled!

The boys went on the trail a couple of miles and then came back. I had stayed in the car with Nicholas because he put up a fuss about going. The second run, I was going to take Nicholas but Colton did not want to stay behind. So instead, I sat Nicholas on Colton's lap and told him to hold on to him tight. Once they started going, Nicholas calmed down and enjoyed the ride. Fernando took the dogs a little slower since there was a tiny passenger on board. Both Joshua & Colton were so excited about the entire experience they have both decided that dog sledding is something they want to do
when they get o

lder. Josh was actually entertaining the offer from Fernando about working with him during the summer.
This is a full time job for both Fernando and the dogs. I was curious as to how they did sled rides in the summer and he said they put wheels on the sled. My sister was so jealous that she has DEMANDED that we go on a ride during the summer so she can have a chance! The dogs respond to both "mush" and "ho." They understand left and right too! I thought that was kind of funny because Colton still gets his left and right mixed

up! It was still the highlight of their week and mine too! However; I AM glad they are all back in school and my life is now a little slower and quieter!